
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The advent of joy

A pellucid drape of beauty and mirth,
the cadence of which allows thought;
that of the inornate waterfall…eternal;
a billowing verve, an aura embracing life.
I wonder how so the entirety drenches,
lost in your love so virgin…

The wishes you caress,
those set afloat by closed eyes and whispers,
bloom as our morning flowers…
a reason to behold the rapture.
The worlds decorate themselves thus,
an indulgence you jauntily offer.

The untold stories of happiness,
those melodies that teemed with love,
the clandestine plans for celebrations,
the festival of rapture.
A blessing as they say you are to the worlds,
an occasion rejoiced where we blend with bliss.

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