
Monday, December 24, 2007

Stranger in the woods

Stranger in the woods

Soft, hollow whistles of the dark wind;
A trance filters through me.
A void I swim in…drawing a story everywhere;
All to evaporate in a trice…blinding even of the memories.
So tranquil, I float languidly…remote and pale.
A dripping dew drop wakes me;
The murmur of the hurrying brook.

The virgin landscape the golden ray’s parent;
My heart heaves along the tides…infinite colors they offer.
The brume holds the towering oaks apart.
A bleak spectacle. Salvation, the oaks plead for.
Sprites of the sun to free them,
An angel to free me.

The soft wave of the zephyrs; to the rhythm
The newborn leaves that dance.
The gentle sway of the veterans;
A song they sing to cheer life,
A heavenly flight of fantasy they offer…
Oh! For a moment I thought,
I was in love with life too.

Anger, hate and haste…how they were
Emotions my mind thought.
My heart never to sense, for it knows only you.
It knew only love…for it craves.

The bronze leaves that shiver under my feet,
The sharp severe cry reminds a fire.
The crackling mirage.
The chaste fire which digests the whole.
Its purity infallibly the prime.
My love to burn away the grief and limbo.
A cold fire, never to abate…tames death.
My love, the warmth it gives to my heart,
Against the coldest pain, against the blight rain.
You know not my love what keeps me alive?

The pale sky so in vain gathers strewn clouds.
My emotions I gather, an expression.
Alas! Only eternity amassed in silence…
In a tear.
Oh! The callous one dries, steals my love.
Trust I cannot anything…for they too fall in love with you.
Even my heart so occupied fails me.
Left only with silence I am.

A dew drop, a leaf…an intimate pair,
Never can mix, never separate.
Oh! How I wish I could embrace love,
Kiss the sanguiness in your cheek;
Hug the love you have for me;
Oh! Could I cup your beauty and kiss it!
Oh! A vague life…never satiated.

In quest of a treasure of emotions I was,
Uncontrolled consciousness I delved for.
The crystal beaded eyes,
Proffer entirety effortlessly.
Oh! Those captivating eyes…merciless bondage.
Breath of a life to be offered in a kiss…
Wait I shall…in hope, in love.

2/3/07- one of the poems that I like the most.

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