
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A dream’s expression....

A dream’s expression

Embark it does, like a melody sung,

just from those sprightful verses.

Astounded how emotions weave a form,

a concert I see, verses that get composed.

Sublime they were, I am embraced.

Immortal dreams in love’s placenta.

Waking up, to be left amazed in mirth,

picture I, petals and butterflies, not verses.

So in bliss, purity of which enraptures.

Away though from that aria,

a blanket of dreams billows,

enwreathing and exalting cognition to love.

I wonder how every dawn is eager of,

if it were just the ballads,

rehearsals of whom culminate now.

The frenzy in the performance,

reflects the overwhelming desire to impress…

where love takes over, silencing the artless.

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